
If you would like to help us make the world a slightly better place by creating performances offering hope and bringing people coming from different cultures, backgrounds and walks of life together, please donate any amount or otherwise support us in doing so in any way you possibly can. Become part of this extraordinary community!

Private individuals can multiply a gift to a cultural organisation by 1.25 in their income tax return and deduct it as a gift. This applies to donors of organisations with Public Benefit Organisation status (cultural ANBI status in Dutch), which Futurists is. Companies which are subject to corporate tax can deduct 1.5 times the amount of such a gift in their corporate tax return. As a cultural PBO (or ANBI) Futurists do not have to pay gift tax for your donation, which means the full amount ends up being used for creating their projects and performances.

If you donate € 100,- annually, you can increase this amount to 125% (the multiplier). This means the total deduction is € 125,-. At the highest rate of 52% the tax authorities give € 65 for each € 100,-. A gift of € 100,- will therefore cost you the net amount of € 35.

With a multiannual donation for five years the donation is completely deductible from your income tax.

To be eligible for tax benefits, the donation will be specified in a ‘donation agreement’ in which the donor commits to donate a fixed amount in at least five annual instalments. The more you get involved, the greater the tax benefit.

For more information about gifts and fiscal benefits check out the Dutch tax authority Belastingdienst website or get in touch for more information with our business manager on [email protected]

Help us create beautiful experiences for the audience and become part of our community by donating on our account number:
NL42 INGB 0009 1623 69, stating “YES”

Massive thank you to anyone who supports our organisation with even a smallest amount! It does make a big difference.

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